The 5 days of survival in the Amazon ended and I survived!
I managed to find an Australian friend I met in Sucre to accompany me on this adventure, according to our guide, there was no longer fully surviving as we did, over 2 years ago!
On the first day they only gave us a mosquito net, a shirt, boots and a machete and took us to the interior of the Amazon, which took us about 3 hours by boat and from there the adventure began! To begin with, on the first night after building our shelter, our guide started the ritual to the Pacha Mama spirit, which here in Bolivia is the spirit of the land or nature, spent hours praying with a lighted candle and putting coca , alcohol and tobacco in a hole in the ground. We started to hear heavy footsteps towards us … we all took the machetes and turned on the lanterns, when we got up we started to hear an animal growling, we had a jaguar 20 meters away and I we only saw our guide with the machete in hand and the other praying, it was not a great feeling of security… we were not attacked and the jaguar went to the other side very calmly!
To sum up the rest of the days, in a dense forest it is quite complicated to hunt, we spent 35 hours without food, we only ate a few larvas, coca leaves and termites, until we managed to reach a river where we hunt some small piranhas, after that another 24 hours without food and always with great physical effort, very little energy, a sensation that had never passed! After all these hours, almost without food, I managed to catch a fish weighing about 3 kilos, which we have already had for a reasonable dinner!
We built our boat, and on the last day we found plantains, pure joy!

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