? More than 6000km

What a great day! I arrived in Santiago, Chile, another border past and a new country to visit!
I left well in the morning, towards Paso Los Libertadores, a phenomenal trip, even with the ice on the road, the negative temperatures, and altitude, which made the bike go up to 40km in depth, undoubtedly one of the most beautiful roads where I passed! I had the opportunity to visit the Puente del Inca, the viewpoint of Aconcagua, the Laguna del Inca and the famous snails that descend the Andes from the Chilean side! Brutalll!
When I arrived at the border with Chile, even before the tunnel, there was a giant line totally stopped, I decide to pass everyone and put the bike in the middle of the road, to take some pictures at the border, all excited to have made it to the top , I start jumping and making random positions for the photos and when I notice, everyone was laughing and photographing me too, after that everyone wanted to take pictures with the demonic, who managed to arrive! Even the owner of a mustang asked for permission to sit down and take a photo, of course he realized who had a machine!

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