
After the accident, I headed towards Turin, Italy, where I spent the night at a camping site to be able to bath and do the wound dressing. I got in touch with my friend that I met in the last adventure in South America, where we met 7 times in 7 different cities. Raffaele Morandi is a native of Bologna, but works in Madrid and that Sunday would be his last night in Italy… so I decided to do more than 350km just to have the opportunity to visit him, have dinner together and have a drink as the old times.

I made it! Although he returned to Madrid the next day, I stayed 4 nights to recover at the farm with a spectacular pool that he has and I had the opportunity to visit San Marino!

Two days ago I left Bologna towards Switzerland and I had the right to a storm… and after having left the tent with everything inside, I run away with the Monkey and I found a bar, Bar 42, that welcomed me with open arms. and they offered me everything!

Tomorrow I will make another post about the entry into Switzerland and the splendid reception by the portuguese community!

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